Thank you for trusting United Security Services to be your source for security services and we look forward to sharing success.
We appreciate your kind expressions of appreciation, and are especially grateful for the recent decision. We look forward to taking this opportunity and create a long term relationship.
We are proud to welcome you as new client and look forward to many years and success in working together.
United Security Services endeavors to provide you the quickest and most reliable means of contacting needed personnel.
Your first point of contact for any issues is the Dispatch / Command Center @ 800.505.1234 extension 1.
Dispatch personnel are available 24 hours a day. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email the assigned management team member listed below.
They are additional resources if you need to escalate a concern or issue.Please meet Jay Rivera and the rest of United Security Team, Jay will be your dedicated Account Manager.
Our goal is to have a smooth transition; process please fill out the form below. If you have any questions or if we can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Managing an active account has become easier than ever with Easy Track 365. Monitor guards, view reports, and more with the simple click of a button. Please Click on the logo to Sign In.
The following is a list of all California statute breaks and schedules associated with United Security Services and the times the officers are allowed to take breaks.
Keep in mind, under California statute, United Security Services and the officers have signed an agreement thereby paying them for their breaks on location and subsequently requiring the guards to remain on post during said breaks in accordance with California statute.
In the event of an officer would like to take an off site uninterrupted lunch they have the right to do so.
Our company policy is for them to contact dispatch in advance and request a relief officer/supervisor to stay on site while they are on break. They have the option to take a 30 minute or 1 hour lunch in the middle of their shift.
Shift Structure
8 Hour Shifts
2 (10 minute) Breaks
1, 30 minute lunch (uninterrupted)
5 Hour Shifts
1 (10 Minute) Break
No lunch required
6 Hour Shifts
1, 30 minute lunch (uninterrupted) may be waived if agreed to by employee and company
10 Hour Shifts
3 (10 minute) Breaks
12 Hour Shifts
2, 30 minute lunches (uninterrupted)
United Security Services will need to maintain equipment on site needed for performing the duties set forth under the post orders and contract. Client is responsible for designating these areas in accordance with the contract. These areas will require electric power to maintain the charge on site cell phones , procedures folder, radios, metal detectors etc. being utilized for the performance of the services rendered.If an indoor location is not available for the equipment, United Security Services will provide a key lock box and mailbox on the premise to facilitate maintaining a secure location for said items. These boxes will be combination lock protected and upon request of the client, United will provide management with the combination to them. Please indicate below the locations for the equipment listed. If the equipment listed is “not applicable” please enter N/A in the space provided. This information will minimize potential miscommunication between United Security Services and your organization, team, and staff.
We understand that contracting to a third-party security service provider is not the easiest decision. We would like to thank you for your trust in our company.
We would also like to share with each customer that we do have a chain of command that we take pride in as it has great results in operations management.
We expect customers to communicate directly with our assigned management/dispatch team for any questions, concerns or any requests.
If this is followed we can ensure that we get each issue, concern or request completed in a timely and professional manner.
Thank you for your time in these matters. Ensuring a smooth transition will lead to increased success for all.